Artist book with CD, 24×16cm, edition of 500, BE, 2005
Log, the first publication of Anouk De Clercq, is a remix in the broadest sense of the term. Images from her videos make out a single whole with sounds on the CD accompanying the book.
Michaël Bussaer’s design is fully grafted onto the visual aspect of De Clercq’s work. The graphic guideline for this work is the idea of creating a landscape, an exploratory expedition, a trajectory with the various works as places to dwell upon. Log, a logbook, a journal accompanying a body of work in full development.
Graphic design Michaël Bussaer
Soundtrack Anton Aeki
Authors Andrea Wiarda, Filip Luyckx, Bart Rutten
Produced by Portapak, Limelight, Netwerk Center for Contemporary Art, Concertgebouw Bruges
With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie